
自从从胎盘跳出来的那天起,经历过了无数考试,唯独这次最压力仿佛人生中充满了黑暗,每天都过着提心吊胆的日子慢慢倒数着究竟我还能 坚持多少天@@..几时会崩溃,几时会发声大哭,几时会丢掉我的电话,烧我的书==串串的画面不 停的出现在脑海..发现很多科目都死掉了,但是我的朋友的成绩却异常的,羡慕+自卑haiz~ 后悔没有读书也太迟了~ 考过就算了咯~ 讨论几题也Ok的,做么酱的空要去改考卷?改了会很爽?还是改了可以串朋友?考卷丢进冰箱冷冻几个月至到拿成绩也可以啦==改了也不是不能改变结局==还是某人太喜欢受刺激的滋味?LOL有答案请不要线我我不想改~不要逼我面对事实咯。还有漫长的假期要过!
This week is an extraordinary week! All the PMR papers,i'm totally lifeless~ All dunno how to do,and mostly the papers i use to shoot.. i never study it! but it's too late to regret,jz hope i will get at least few As~ and my fren >> liping and 8 po winsia <<> They can score 8As d la~ and 8 po <<>Today sn paper 2 reali hard,damn it, i empty many~ after sn paper 2,we went to X CAFE, opposite of the skul~The cafe reali pro lo! ONLY FEW FOODS,but they took 1+ hours to cook it,i dunno wat happen to their KICHEN or wat~ wat i wan to say is WHY WE ARRIVED 1ST,AND THE OTHERS GOT THEIR FOOD 1ST? Still giv us wat member card , who will go there eat again? UNCLE!
   i found out tat i more and more HATE THOSE PPL WHO NEVER REPLY :DD can i ask u all to bang the wall ? pls! ytd my eraser lost~ @#$(*&($@#*&%_)@$ I HATE THOSE THIEVES , damn u all @@ i hope ur PMR FAILED ALL SUBJECT :D U FORCED ME TO SAY LIK TAT :D haiz~ left 3 subjects.. KH need to study :'( chinese OMG reali hard! especially paper 2, dunno how to write the essay~ Mm ok gua :DD some dogs veri pro :DD ask them teach me enough xD